Tuesday, November 6, 2012

"Mommy! Bache.."

Got an email from babycenter.com this morning on my 32 months old baby's development which i find very interesting that i had to share it here.. And oh, 32 months already?? Time flies too fast these days.. :(

"Hello, zue!

It's Rhyme Time

Making time for reading with your child every day has so many benefits. You're exposing her to new words and ideas. You're helping her develop pre-reading skills, such as matching the story to the pictures and identifying letters. And it's a terrific way to snuggle and spend time together. A particularly good kind of book to look for: rhymes, in the form of stories (like The Cat in the Hat) or short nursery rhymes (like "Mother Goose").

A wonderful way to enhance your child's language development is with rhymes. Alliteration, word play, and rhyme tune your child's understanding of subtle differences between words and build vocabulary. They help boost auditory memory, an important pre-reading skill, and develop rhythm, too. The word pictures drawn in familiar rhymes become both fascinating and familiar. Not least, reading and singing rhymes lets your child know that words can be funny and fun!

There's good reason Dr. Seuss books are universal favorites. The vocabularies are simple but the rhymes are pitch-perfect. In addition to rhyming storybooks, look for books of classic nursery rhymes or books of children's poems. There's a wide variety: counting rhymes, rhymes with finger play, and those with silly tongue twisters. It's also great to sing familiar rhymes, which offers many of the same benefits. (Your pitch doesn't matter in the least.)"

I've always love the idea of familiarizing my kids with books.. Tho i only did it like once or twice a week.. Ok, need to try to spend few minutes of the day to read together with them.. And prolly getting that dr seuss books too hehe..

Happy reading! :)

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